On UK Scrappers we have a BIA Social Group where all the BIA addicts chat and exchange ideas and help each other out. When we get a newbie arriving saying she has boght a BIA and now doesn't have a clue what to do with it.... we all say get it out of the box and play.... make some notebooks to get the feel of the machine, see where the punched holes end up, try out the o'wires. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just some chipboard from cereal packets etc to get some experience. Well, this is how I started making these... they are just any empty packets I happen not to have thrown in the bin (I really must stop hoarding stuff) and I thought they would be cute on the fridge as shopping lists!!

I was looking through the boxes of stash (as one does) and found this bare wood monogram letter A and thought I would give it a facelift with some paint and BG papers to match the scraproom clipboard I made a few weeks ago.