When we moved from the villa at Murjan into this villette (LOL) here at Pearl Beach I found this stove in the kitchen which I was supposed to cook on.... yeah right! You can see how undersized (is that a word?) it is because there was a gap either side and they had it on a plinth to make it the right height.... to say I was unimpressed is probably an understatement. So I requested that they get a proper grown up stove as a replacement.... well, that was March and April went by and I was busy, then May and I reminded them that I wanted a new stove... June passed and then July came along and I decided that I really needed to be a bit more proactive with regard to this... so I took to calling the compound manager daily and it seemed to be working... he would tell me it was 'in hand' and he was 'working on it' and I would definitely have my stove at the 'end of the week'... not actually saying which week in the year he was referring to... and then he stopped taking my calls....
Hah!! Bad move... that is like the proverbial red rag to the bull... ignore me will you? avoid me will you? So I took to walking up to the office every morning and enquiring as to the wearabouts of this promised new stove... so he sent a carpenter to measure the gap.... progress!!
So the daily visits went on... and on... and on... and he took to hiding from me.... he could see me coming from his office window and took evasive action!!
Hah! Hide from me will you? Avoid me? Hope I will go away and not come back? LOL... little does he know what he is dealing with!! So, I too got clever and approached the office from a different direction and changed the timing and popped in just after lunch... and the elusive new stove was promised to be delivered in a few days.... it was coming from Khobar... which is a 45 minute drive away but obviously takes stoves a week.... and then he disappeared off to India for a months vacation!! Leaving me with no stove!!
So I found the second in command and gave him a good talking to... and he promised to sort it and he promised to call me and let me know.... which he didn't!! So I went back and he wanted to know what was wrong with the old stove, perhaps they could get it repaired!! I WANT A BIGGER STOVE THIS ONE IS TOO SMALL.... it won't take a cookie tray, I can't fit my roasting trays in it... its too small!
So Ronnie, (second in command) assures me he will call the manager in India and find out what was happening, to leave it with him... harrumph.... you are kidding right? I WANT A BIGGER STOVE!! I don't want people lieing to me anymore, I don't want to be avoided anymore, I don't want to sit and wait for calls that don't happen....I have waited 6 months for a new stove and I am not prepared to wait any longer.... I get a new stove or I get a new house!! Poor Ronnie got both barrels.... and its a shame you have to lose it to actually get people to take you seriously... but he phoned me later and said he had permission to get me a new stove and the carpenter would be by to measure the gap.... again (just in case it had changed in the interim period). Then a man came and said the new stove was ordered!!!! Yippeee........ and it was the same size as the one I had...... what? No!! You are kidding me? This is a joke right? Nope, the new stove will be the same size so that it fits into the gap (with room to spare either side)!!
So I threw a hissy fit and told him he could phone them up and cancel the order because I WANT A BIGGER STOVE!!

So this is what got delivered and installed yesterday.... its MAHOOSIVE!! They had to remove one of the kitchen cupboards and cut a chunl of worktop out just to get in the space!! So anyways... my Nan always said 'be careful what you ask for....' and she could be right.... but its a lovely BIG stove and all my trays and roasting dishes fit (in fact they all fit in at the same time)!!

Here is little Two Ears sitting next to his brother One Ear... they were both the same size before he got sick so I am working on building his body fat back up and getting him back on form.