These little things are perfect for me at the moment, I am taking funny farm pills that turn my brain to mush which is helping with my back pain but wiping out Lonely (the only brain cell working , thus the name) and so I can't cope with larger projects - these are just the right size for the windows of clear head I get during the day!! :) I love that gold relief stuff, must get my Mum to send me some more as I picked it up in France while we on holiday with her.
Friday, 28 March 2008
Indian Summer ATC's
These little things are perfect for me at the moment, I am taking funny farm pills that turn my brain to mush which is helping with my back pain but wiping out Lonely (the only brain cell working , thus the name) and so I can't cope with larger projects - these are just the right size for the windows of clear head I get during the day!! :) I love that gold relief stuff, must get my Mum to send me some more as I picked it up in France while we on holiday with her.
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
ATC's are Addictive
Of course, nobody mentioned how much fun they were and how much time you would spend sitting making these diddly little things!! LOL
Gold embossed the stamped image and then made this little tubes out of embossed stamped images and glued them together in a pile.
And here is the secret keeper open to reveal the embossed 'friend'. Made for a friend who is moving soon - let's hope he likes it.
ATC Gingham Secret Keepers
I received a challenge from Chriss to make 5 ATC's for the monthly swap held on her blog with other like-minded ATC loving folk. Just one problem, not sure if Chriss realised that I had never done ATC's before!! Ever one for a challenge, I thought I would give it a go and really enjoyed making these. Because gingham was the subject I went for the hand sewn American Folk Craft look (that's my excuse and I am sticking to it)!!
So here are my five Gingham Secret Keepers.
And this is them open - revealing their 'secret'. I think they are cute so I hope the people that end up with them will also!! :)
Sunday, 23 March 2008
Memories and other Random Thoughts
A friend of mine found a quote I think says it all:
“Without pictures, our words will be valued by our descendants a hundred years from now, but without words, the pictures will be meaningless”.
My Mum called me from France, where she lives, and explained that she needed some new underwear and asked me to go buy them - obviously in France nobody wears underwear so she couldn't actually get any.... so, I dutifully go to the store and buy her underwear - telling the clerk that they ARE NOT FOR ME - because my Mum is 74 and feels that she needs size 20 big girl panties!! I get organised to send them off in a large jiffy bag that some scrap stash had arrived in earlier in the week (its called recycling, ok, I am not cheap, proven by the fact that I just spent nearly £30.00 on the biggest panties you would never want to see).Yesterday I took the parcel to the Post Office and had it weighed, pay the air mail rate and waved the big girl panties goodbye, chuffed at having completed my good deed for the day.The postman has just delivered my Mum's big girl panties to me..... I forgot to change the address on the front of the recycled envelope!! So I am now off to the Post Office to mail my Mum her big girl knickers....
have all day!
my lifetime. When I was in my teens I was in boarding school and we had to wear a uniform
– a really ugly uniform in dark green and flat lace-up brown shoes. Serviceable ugly school
shoes. At the end of term we were supposed to fly back home to our parents in uniform
– this was probably to ensure we stayed safe – and safe we were because nobody in their
right mind (or otherwise) would have attempted to start anything funny with us dressed in
our really ugly school uniforms complete with pork pie hat in winter or straw boater in
summer!! Once out of range of the nuns we would change into our own clothes but I had
to keep the shoes on because I didn’t have any others. My Mum’s answer to a request for
nice shoes to wear outside school was that they were perfectly fine… to me this was on par
with saying it was ok not to buy me other clothes because I had a school uniform to wear!
My collection of shoes is because I never want to be in that situation where I can’t have a
different pair of shoes to suit the different clothes I am wearing. I love shoes….
What’s that condition called that people suffer from where they are thin but see themselves in the mirror as fat? Sort of ‘deceptive body shape disorder’ – or if it isn’t that, it’s a pretty cool name for it. I think I suffer from this. I look in the mirror and this middle-aged woman, a bit on the plump side, stares back at me. I have been on my diet for 11 months now and still that middle-aged plump woman stares back at me. I think she has taken up permanent residence there. Friends kindly tell me that the diet is working, my class leader insists the diet is working, my husband tells me I don’t need to diet and that I have lost loads of pounds, except the most of them are ££’s not lbs! So how come the clothes in my wardrobe that didn’t fit before, still don’t? I blame that middle aged plump woman in the mirror….
I got an award!!
Cass from has awarded me the Arte Y Pico (Art & More) award. It's awarded to bloggers who share their art and creativity making their contribution to the blogger world. Well, to say I am flattered is an understatement - thank you so much!
The Rules!
1. You have to pick 5 blogs that you consider deserve this award for their creativity,design,interesting material,and also contributes to the blogging community,no matter what language.
2. Each award has to give the name of the author and also a link to his or her blog to be visited by everyone.
3. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her or him the award itself.
4. Award winner and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of Arte y Pico blog,so everyone will know the origin of this award.
5. To show these rules.
So I have chosen my five people! Sarah, whose stuff I love. Jo, who needs to have more confidence in her abilities as her books and scrap pages are lovely. Debbie, another doubter of her abilities, yet her mini books are beautifully put together and designed. Susy, who has lots of lovely things on her blog, and finally, Caroline, who's lay outs really are gorgeous.
The Rules!
1. You have to pick 5 blogs that you consider deserve this award for their creativity,design,interesting material,and also contributes to the blogging community,no matter what language.
2. Each award has to give the name of the author and also a link to his or her blog to be visited by everyone.
3. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given her or him the award itself.
4. Award winner and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of Arte y Pico blog,so everyone will know the origin of this award.
5. To show these rules.
So I have chosen my five people! Sarah, whose stuff I love. Jo, who needs to have more confidence in her abilities as her books and scrap pages are lovely. Debbie, another doubter of her abilities, yet her mini books are beautifully put together and designed. Susy, who has lots of lovely things on her blog, and finally, Caroline, who's lay outs really are gorgeous.
Thursday, 20 March 2008
Wee Little Book
Tuesday, 18 March 2008
BIA Swap Projects
This was made on the BIA with BamPop papers - I just fell in love with that little bird! I used a half tube and covered the o'wires which I think makes the album look quite swish! ;)
Its Nearly Easter
Thursday, 6 March 2008
Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces
I have joined a swap on UKS where we all do jigsaw pieces according to each persons chosen theme and then swap them so that we end up with a 12 x 12 jigsaw on our theme.
The theme for this one was supposed to be stitched and texture but obviously the poor woman never saw the stitching on the Dammit Doll - I have managed the texture bit though!
The theme for this piece is gypsies so I made a little gypsy caravan and backed it with 7Gypsies papers.
The theme for this piece was 'if it flies it has wings'. I made the beaded dragonfly and then a little BIA bound book with the story of The Dragonfly in it. The book is attached to the jigsaw piece with a magnet so it can be removed and read.
The theme for this piece was dragons. He was a lot friendlier looking in my head! I embossed him in red and black, added glitter paints and some gold paint, and a couple of beaded earrings with Chinese coins.
This one is for the theme pink....
Each person has picked a theme, this one is the sea.
This one is for my puzzle - the theme is time.
Flowers - I made a tiny book with embossed flowers on the pages.
The theme for this one is tears of a clown. Another tiny book with Peirott pictures inside.
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