Tuesday, 29 July 2008
Introducing Teeny Ted

Wear Sunscreen BIA Mini Book

Instructions for making the covers - this would be handy for calendars and make great gifts.

Wylde Women Award

I got an award... and what a pretty award it is too! Thank you Ruby May, its lovely of you to think of me. Its taken me 52 years to become a wild woman... oh no.. wrong spelling!! (in your dreams DH) !!
The Wylde Women award created by Tammy Vitale can be passed on to one person...or a hundred ....and is for being generous (for instance with your ideas or time) towards other crafters. Oh and you must go and see Tammy's artwork... it is stunning and I am so glad I don't live anywhere near her or I would be broke and I wouldn't have any space left in my house (who am I kidding... I don't have any space left now)!!
So I would like to give this award to..... Hysteri-Cal - because she is my type of wild woman too! ;)
Monday, 28 July 2008
Ooooh raspberries!!
Wednesday, 23 July 2008
Please Vote for Charlie
You can vote here. You don't have to sign in or do anything but vote for Number 17.
Please try and vote daily between now and July 31st.
Thanks so much - Charlie would slobber you, if he could!!
Off to Saudi Arabia

Saturday, 19 July 2008
Mother's Tag Book/Card

1 metre of ribbon
1/2 sheet of chipboard
2 sheets palin cardstock
1 sheet of patterned paper
3 x standard sized envelopes (or make pockets from cardstock which is what I do)

Step 1
Cut 2 pieces of chipboard 15 x 10 cm
Cut 2 pieces of cardstock 17 x 12 cm
Adhere your cardstock to the chipboard.
Score all the way around.
Step 2.
Trim back the corners and fold over your flaps securing them with double sided tape.

Step 3
Cut a piece of cardstock 30.5 x 8 cm
Score at 1cm from the short edge and then at 2.8cm intervals until the end of the strip (1.5cm should be left).
Fold in a zigzag method to make mountains and valleys.
Adhere this to your covers as per photo measuring 0.5cm from the bottom.
Depending on the width of your chosen ribbon, make two long pockets for the ribbon to slide through. Mine is 25mm ribbon so I cut two pieces 50mm by 10cm and popped the ribbon through it and adhered it to the covers just at the top of where your folds are attached.
Feel free to skip this step if you want, I just hate getting the ribbon stuck to the double sided tape when pulling it in and out.
Step 5
Cut 2 strips of pattern paper 14.5 x 9.5cm. Adhere your papers into place on the inside covers.
Step 6
If using the envelopes, ink the edges and adhere them to the folds. Remember to place the cut opening of your envelope to the TOP so we can slide tags. Attach it so that the back of the envelope is facing the front as it will be covered with paper.
If you prefer to make pockets, cut 6 x strips of cardstock 19 x 10cm and fold in half to form a pocket. Use double sided to tape to seal two sides leaving the opening at the top.
Step 7
Cut 6 pieces of your remaining paper to 6.5 x 7cm. Adhere these to the front of your envelopes or cardstock pockets - whichever you did! :)
Cut 6 tags from cardstock (can be a contrast colour). 13.5 x 8.5cm.
Corner round the top two edges of each one. Place in your pockets.
Step 8
Puncht 6 squares and add your chosen letters (MOTHER) to each square and adhere to front of the pockets turning them diagonally to form a diamond shape.

Complete your cover by tearing a strip of patterned paper down the side and decorating it with some flowers or a small photo in a frame or slide.

Though it is called a Mother's Day tag book it will work just as well for any 6 letter word - Father, Brother, Sister, Friend - just change the papers!! If you have seen the blue version I made for a baby called Darwynn... yep, 7 letters, and to get that extra letter was a major faff so I would suggest sticking to the 6 for your first attempt!! ;) I have to say thank you to Michelle Van Wyk in Jo'burg for the original instructions - she is a brilliant scrapper/teacher and friend but I have changed a couple of bits which makes it work more easily.
I've been tagged and awarded!!

I think I am supposed to answer the following questions, so here goes....
The rules as I understand them are...I answer the questions below and tag 5/6 folk by visiting their blogs and inviting them to visit my blog so they can see what needs to be done. Here we go...
Ten Years ago: I was working full-time and I was a single Mum. I was dating Chris who I met at work, in fact, I might have been engaged to Chris as we have just celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary so in fact, I could have been driving the girls in the office absolutely insane with conversations about what wedding favours to have... LOL
Five things in today's "to do" list:
1) Spray the weeds in the garden. Tick
2) Do some washing. Tick
3) Start sorting the stuff I need for Saudi
4) Buy some milk, bread and birdseed.
5) Tidy/sort my papers in the scrap room.
Snacks I enjoy: Cheese, chocolate, fruit, not necessarily in that order and I think I added the fruit to make it look good.... ;)
Things I would do if I was a millionaire: oooh, difficult one, I always feel like I am one already, I have a lovely husband and son, a nice home, get to do scrapping all day if I want... but I guess if I was a millionaire DH could give up work and we could stay in one place and he could have a little Westie pup and I could have a Blue Ragdoll kitty and I could nag him all day long and we would live happily ever after... ;)
Thursday, 17 July 2008
The cheapskate's Prima Beauty Mark...

Look what I got!

Sunday, 13 July 2008
A little bling never hurt...