Sunday 30 November 2014

December Daily

I have done Journal Your Christmas for quite a few years, with mixed success on the completion but... the ones that I have completed, are in fact, some of my favourite books because they take me back to that time, the journalling is relevant, the photos are wonderful.... so when I was noseying about on Facebook and noticed that an old scrapping friend from South Africa had asked a couple of the other girls if they wanted to do December Daily I invited myself along for the ride! LOL  They are being very polite about it so far... didn't seem to mind me tagging along... so I thought I had better put something together zippety quick ready for Monday...
Lots of pocket pages and tags that will make keeping up with each day a little bit easier.

Fold over journalling spots... makes it easy to add your notes and any photos.

Slide out tags for journalling and photos.

Folded journalling spots.

Tall narrow pages with spots for tags behind the centre strip.

Same as above... for those days when there is very little to say!

Another narrow page for journalling.

Pocket page, with central pocket for tags and then side pockets for tags also.
I have left the pages pretty minimal for the moment and will be able to add to them as I go along each day.... yep, you guessed it... its going to end up one of those fat monstrous unruly books of mine...

Tags and pockets....

Fold out page with lots of places for journalling.

Another page for photos and words.

Pocket on front with lots of tags.
Now... if you know Ali Edwards style of scrapping and have seen December Daily pages you will be thinking... what on earth is Annette doing? LOL  Well, I can't do that style with ease... but I can do this... so I see no point in making the entire thing a pain in the bum when it will turn out looking like a great big fat mini book no matter what... so I have gone with what I like... and just hope that Ali Edwards never spots this version or she may just have a hissy fit.... ;)

Wednesday 26 November 2014


This is my desk... actually this is my desk yesterday evening while I was making an envelope to wrap a scarf for my friend's Mum who is having her 80th birthday this weekend.  
I decided to make a little post it note holder while I was sitting there... she might find that handy as she has a much busier diary than most people who are half her age! ;)
Oh and I also had a tidy up in the corner of the scraproom, so bit by bit I am finding things and homing them properly!  It could take a while but I will get there in the end! LOL
If you are wondering why I am showing you my desk then pop over to Julia's and she will explain it all, then join in and have a good nosey at all sorts of wonderful crafts! 

Wednesday 19 November 2014


 I am joining Julia and the WOYWW deskers this week...

This is my desk at 6 a.m. in the cold and dark... next week I will try and get the photos while there is some daylight so people don't get the impression I am living in a cave! LOL 
The cover of the mini book I have been making is done... just need to print the photos but it seems that my printer has other ideas about that little task... it seems to have lost the ability to print.... which makes it a large chunk of uselessness sitting on the worktop!  Poop. 
Pan right.... someone asked for a closer pic of the wall last week... so I hope they visit again and can see some of the bits in more detail.
and the wall to the right of my desk where I scrap... odd bits and pieces I have made.
So this is short and sweet and I will be over to nosey at everyone desks to see what you have been to up to this week!  

Tuesday 18 November 2014

T on Tuesday

I am joining Elizabeth and Bleubeard for T on Tuesday with the blind my Mum bought me for my new kitchen.... just loving all those stacked cups.
and as finishing touches go, it was working really well....
but... this morning this is what the kitchen looks like.... with my tea cup and saucer sat on the kitchen units without any worktop.  :(   :(   :(   
I chose Corian worktops for my kitchen and went for Deep Night Sky as the colour.... nobody told me that this wasn't quite the cleverest thing I could do... nobody mentioned that they wouldn't fit... that I would have gaps that I could drop pens down at the back of the worktop, that the invisible joins that are the big rave and thing that Corian go on about wouldn't apply in the dark colours, nobody mentioned that the very dark Corian colours really didn't work in kitchen situations because they show every mark, that the simplest of things will scratch the surface and the effect though pleasing from a distance is not so nice when you are up close and personal.... 
 and this is kitchen worktops... you can't make food or work in your kitchen without the up close and personal bit!  
Invisible joins anyone? 
Gaps at the back for all the grease and carp to fall behind... or the odd mouse! LOL

So after two attempts over the last couple of months and me enduring weeks on end of having no worktops at all, yesterday was the third attempt when they were supposed to come and take them away and template my kitchen again and bring me back new properly finished worktops..... 
and then they mentioned that they were going to take these back to the factory and 'rework them' and bring them back next week.............. ummmmmmmmmmm no.  

 I am reasonably easy going, I will accept that we live in an imperfect world and all that that entails but you cannot charge me a small fortune for the most expensive worktops on the market  and deliver something substandard and expect me accept the situation....
so today I have no worktops cos I got cross and told them to take them away and not come back.  LOL  

Wednesday 12 November 2014

What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday 284

I woke up early and it was cold and dark and blowing a gale outside so I went back to bed... its still cold and dark and still blowing a gale outside so I guess I will just have to deal with it now! LOL  I am joining Julia and the WOYWW crowd for another Wednesday of snooping at desks around the world.
So without further ado... this is my desk this morning... the innerds of the mini book I was working on last week are done and I have the makings of the cover on my desk... so by rights it should be finished to day?  ;)
and last week we went left and viewed the other side of the room so this week I am swinging right to reveal... yeah, lots of stash and stuff....
and further along that wall.... more storage and then my printer and computer...
and this is that corner if I stand back... ahuh... it could do with some major sorting but its one of those long term jobs now I am in one place... I can take my time and make it work for me.
Stay warm and I will along to visit and have a nose at what you are doing! 

Tuesday 11 November 2014

T on Tuesday

Yay, I am finally re-joining T on Tuesday with Elizabeth... it has been a while and the kitchen reno took a teeny bit longer than it should have... in fact, it still isn't finished as they are coming next week to remove all the worktops and take them away and template the kitchen again and remake them... and this will be the third time so I sincerely hope they manage to get it right this time round as the stress was seriously messing with my head.
Yes, there is my EAT above the pantry door... it used to be bright yellow and has appeared on T on Tuesday before but now the letters are a pretty smoky gray blue.
and if I turn the pantry light on you can see inside... yep, I love my pantry!!
and a quick one of my Mum investigating the cake situation when she was staying with me a week ago so you can see inside.
and what am I drinking at 8.30 a.m. ?  A green smoothie... spinach, parsley, mango, pineapple, celery all in coconut water... they taste lovely and are a great start to the day and won't appear weird next to Julia's fried milk and Elizabeth's home grown herb teabags!! LOL

Sunday 9 November 2014

Have you got a spare banana tree?

The questions I get asked!  This was the one from my son the other day... and the answer was yes a couple of weeks ago but I have since donated it to charity...  in my need to slim down the two of everything dilemma I have from having a home and making a home where ever I have gone in the world...  why?   Why did he want a spare banana tree?  Its not one of those things that people normally ask you!!
It seems that all the younger 'pooter types have these big fat headphones now.... a thing I appreciate late of an evening when he wears them to listen to music or play computer games or whatever... and these big fat headphones have quite the big fat price tag on them and take up a lot of room on the desk... so they hang them from banana trees.... to keep them safely off the desk and looking tidy if they can't/won't pay out the £30 to buy a headphone rest.... yep, they make headphone rests!!  Who'd a thought eh?  LOL
Anyways... he is at work today and I have been playing in the scraproom... so I thought I would give it a try out of chipboard... 
LOL... this is what happened... he's going to regret asking about banana trees now, isn't he?  
Nevermind... maybe Santa will be kind....

Wednesday 5 November 2014


I'm back!  Wooo hoo!  It seems like I have been away forever and I have really missed all the lovely WOYWW friends.... but I can now sit at my desk and play with paper and glue again... so I am definitely a happier bunny.  This is how my desk looks at silly o'clock.  I am making a mini book.  Thought I had better make a start on a few gifts as the big C word is looming high on the horizon and I haven't even made a start on C cards yet!
This is the stepped back a bit photo... you can see that there is still a lot of sorting out to be done but at least everything is out of boxes and I can take my time in finding permanent homes for things.
and a quick turn to the left reveals more mess.... and a lot of patterned paper... probably wouldn't need to buy anymore in my lifetime... and am going to have a go at using old stash before buying any new and see if I can get the stash levels down to a manageable level... yeah right, well, a girl can try!!
I am looking forward to visiting people and catching up on what has been going on in the last 6 months... if Julia hasn't kicked me out for being AWOL for so long.