Wednesday 14 July 2010

We got it!!

After much too-ing and fro-ing and offering and counter-offering we finally agreed a price and the house is ours!!  Now, I hope you are all suitably impressed as it is ten days since we arrived in Canada!!
With a smidge of luck and some fancy footwork from the lawyer we could be in by the end of the month.
So this is it!

Kitchen with breakfast bar and that bit in the middle... island? LOL

Lounge - and I think that fireplace is going to be especially wonderful in a couple of months!

Breakfast nook which overlooks the deck and the rear garden.

Master bedroom suite is on the top floor with a walk in wardrobe and ensuite bathroom.... have always hankered after a walk in wardrobe....

This is the basement which is going to become..... a scraproom for me and study for Chris!  Wooo Hooo!

So, technically, you can see that I shouldn''t be doing WOYWW because at the moment there is nothing on my workdesk... in fact, there is no workdesk!!   But give me a few weeks.... 

Tuesday 13 July 2010

The Cats are Home!!

What a busy and fun weekend we had, on Saturday friends took us to the Calgary Stampede and we watched the chuckwagon races and a fabulous outdoor show and firework display.
This a picture of the chuckwagon races... it rained all day and the state of the drivers was urgh....

This was the band and VIP guests... the Mounties are for Misteejay!!

After the chuckwagon races this huge stage was pulled into place by tractors.

and we were entertained by song and dance groups, a fab comedian who thinks about camping along similar lines to myself, and a firework display that was amazing.

Sorry about the picture quality but my camera couldn't cope with the dark and distance!!
  Now, call me a bit simple but I really never thought of Canada as cowboy country!!  Well, the ten days of the Stampede Calgary becomes cowtown!!  You have never seen so much denim and jackets with frills on them!!  Cowboy hats are the thing too... so Chris and I bought ourselves a couple.  I have a photo of us wearing them but its on my phone and although I have had it a couple of years I have yet to figure out how to actually get the pictures off it and onto my computer where they might be useful!!  Mine cowboy hat was a pink one.... well, it had to be, didn't it?

On Sunday we went to the airport and collected the two cats.  They were as pleased to see us as we were to see them.  Pandora just lay on the floor and waited to be picked up and cuddled and purred like mad.  TomTom is bruised and battered and looks like he has gone a couple of rounds with Mike Tyson... all self inflicted as he really fights himself the moment you put him in a carrier.  Hopefully in a few days he will be feeling less sore and jetlagged.

A bit bruised and travel weary...

Pandy has found a comfy spot in my wardrobe..
Chris and I have also found a house we like!!  We put an offer on it last night so I am sitting here waiting to hear back from the seller... once we have that sorted, I just need to find a car, buy some furniture and move before the end of the month.... LOL

I was out on the balcony of the apartment and saw a magpie.  Now, I am not an overly superstitious person but whenever I see one magpie I have to look about to find its partner... well, I found not only its partner but an entire family gathering under the trees across the road!!  I counted 9 in all and now I have the old magpie song/rhyme going on in my head.... I always say the rhyme 'one for sorrow, two for joy, (which is why I have to look till I see the second), three for a girl and four for a boy, five for silver and six for gold, (either would be handy just now), seven for a secret never to be told, eights a wish and nines a kiss, tens a bird you must not miss.... magpie....'.   Must remember to keep the windows closed if there is anything shiny about....

Thursday 8 July 2010

House Hunting...

I spent yesterday with Sue, the lovly estate agent I found, house hunting.  We had a fabulous day for it, sunny and very warm.  The odd thing about looking at houses is that after three they all start to blend into each other and when you try to recall one in particular... bits of the others creep in too!  Anyways, I did manage to reduce the number to a manageable one for a second look plus some new ones.  Chris gets the better bit of this deal, as I do the legwork and he comes along for the second look!!  We did buy a condo though.... a two story one for Pandora and TomTom!!  :)
You just know that they are going to turn their whiskers up at it, don't you?  We bought them a couple of normal beds just in case.  They are flying out from Saudi Arabia on Saturday and arriving here in Calgary Sunday afternoon.  Chris and I can't wait to get them back, they have had a long 6 weeks shut up in their cages at the vets in Khobar and will undoubtedly make us pay for their imprisonment in spades!!  They have been very lucky as Ping and Denis have kindly been popping in to check on them and make sure they are ok for me... Denis even takes videos of them and puts them on YouTube so I can see them!!  well, I can see more of TomTom than Pandy... TomTom is all over anyone who is willing to pay him attention and give him a smooth and cuddle and takes the camera in his stride... Pandora on the other hand is Pandora and sits inside her cardboard box inside the cage and stares out growling and spitting at anyone who dares to look in at her!!  Its a double edged sword though, on the one hand it is great to be able to see them and on the other both Chris and I end up in tears to see them in their cages... but I remind myself that 6 weeks in Khobar is better than 6 months in quarantine.

We arrived here in Calgary at the perfect time, the weather is being very nice and tomorrow is the start of the Calgary Stampede.  All this week you can get a free pancake breakfast at various points in the town... Saturday is the turn of the Chinook Mall which is just around the corner from where we have an apartment and Chris is off work... so guess what?   Yep... I plan to be there nice and early for my plate of pancakes and sausages!! Saturday afternoon we are off to the Stampede to watch the chuckwagon races, which are supposed to be brilliant.
Chris in goal on the ice hockey pitch... is it a pitch or do they have a different name for it?

Me in front of a lovely carving of the hockey teams.
Then we went off to Michaels!!  Yahooooo, I thought I had died and gone to scrapbook heaven...
and just to confirm how bad I am... I didn't even know these photos were taken, I found them on my camera when I downloaded the photos this morning!!

I was very good and didn't go completely mad....

Aisle after aisle of lovely stash...
Oh and before I left the UK I did a wee bit of shopping and guess what fell into my hands??   Yep, two more of the Signature Ciccia handbags with cats on!!  I love them!!

I love this one... Cattier's indeed!!  And isn't our little kitty bank robber just fab?? LOL