Odelia, my next door neighbour that scraps, and I are getting really adventerous now and we took ourselves off to Fanateer Mall in Jubail yesterday morning. I had bought a new abayah last week and it was too long so I wanted the wee mannie with his sewing machine in the corner of the shop to take it up for me. Its a very pretty one with silver and aqua embroidery on the sleeves and because I was also buying some other abayahs for some expat women who are due to arrive soon... they gave me a discount and a free hijab (scarf that matches the abayah). Now... you don't get that sort of service in Marks and Sparks do you? "
Oh Madam, you have bought three dresses; here, this shawl matches beautifully, we will throw it in for free! You need them taken up you say? No problem... can you wait five minutes and we will have that done for you....no charge" Do you think I should email M&S and suggest it? It might help in the Christmas slump!

Here is Odelia and little Merrick in the shop - see.... I told you, you can have any colour you like as long as its black!! :)

Here is the wee mannie who takes the hems up and in a couple of minutes he had my abaya sorted and back in its bag - all for free!! :)

This is the owner, he was a little camera shy but didn't mind me taking pictures - more abayahs behind him.... yep, all black.

Here I am in front of Mr Chocolate - the sweet stores here are beautiful - the chocolates are in these arrangement of baskets with all this decoration. And yes, I need to get my hair done but there aren't any hairdressers shops! :( Men aren't allowed to touch a woman to whom they aren't married, women aren't allowed to work.... so that's a difficult one!! Chris did offer to cut mine for me but I passed on that... there must be an expat hairdresser here somewhere, I just need to find her!!