Wednesday 15 July 2015


I am not going to be linking up because I have no phone line or internet at the moment so wouldn't be able to return all the visits or leave comments... I am writing this piggybacking on a neighbours interwebs which makes for an entirely new experience in speed!!

I did want to say how sorry I was to read about the passing of Eliza last week, such a lovely lady and it has been a privilege to 'know' her and her cute little Yoda cat, from our desk visits with WOYWW and T on Tuesday.  She will be sadly missed by all and my heart goes out to her family and friends at this sad time.

I don't think there has ever been such a gap on my blog... the mojo has vanished into thin air with the invasion of painters and plumbers renovating the main bathroom.... a one week job that is now in week 3.... and with the phone line down too... but I will be back... and I will be playing at my desk soon.... its a promise.