so I guess you can call me a horse then.... LOL Its been a busy couple of days unpacking and exploring the house and re-arranging everything that DH has.... so now he can find nothing! ;) Spent the morning getting photos taken and wandering around the local hospital for a medical so they will put the stamp in my passport for a resident.... completely ignoring the fact that I did all this at their request a couple of weeks ago to get my visa!! I figure you all would love a good laugh so got DH to take a photo as I left the house this morning... very fetching eh? ;)

I think I have located a good scrapping spot!! (One must get one's priorities right and I will start to homify the place later). At the top of the stairs there is this large landing and a sort of smallish lounge which nobody will miss, seeing as how we have two of them downstairs, and I think it will be perfect for scrapping... and has a lovely large balcony off from it that overlooks the sea... so if I get scrappers block I can go and look at the ocean!!

Here's a pic of the back of the house and the middle large balcony is the one that leads off from the scraproom to be.
Just got an email to say that our shipment has cleared customs and is ready to be delivered!! Yahooooo! I never thought it would be that quick and it will be great to have all my stash again... oh and some kitchen stuff.... LOL
Last night I met my new neighbour, Odelia, who is a scrapper too! She's lovely and has 2 small boys, Kyler and Merrick, who are just gorgeous and will be appearing in a mini book near you in the near future!! :)