cockraoches that is... one of the best things about living in Scotland... no roaches!! There I was sitting at the scrap table, playing away quite happily when a scurrying movement out of the corner of my eye caught my attention! Cockroach alert!! Its something about them... they are unmistakable and creepy and make my skin crawl... the little blighter is no more... he was PifPaffed to death... and I want to know who thought it was a clever name for an insect repellant/cockroach killer... Pif Paf... and its market? Saudi Arabia... where they speak Arabic... and Arabic has a missing letter in its alphabet... P. They all pronounce P as a B - so its actually Bif Baf here... but Bif Baf or Pif Paf it just doesn't spell death to roaches and other yucky insects that invade my home.... In South Africa we always bought DOOM - now that said it... DOOM... get sprayed with this stuff and you have met your DOOM.... not get Pif Paffed to death!!
So, no more scrapping for me... I am now in manic mode and will have to clean and disinfectant and mop and vacuum until I know there aren't friends lurking of the unfortunate fellow who got Pif Paffed!! ;) And can someone please pass me a Bebsi Cola? LOL