Sunday 29 March 2015

Spring Cleaning the 'Pooter

My Mum gave me all the family photos, slides and cine some years ago but because I was always on an overseas assignment I never had the opportunity to sit and get them all organised as I have never wanted to ship them overseas in case they got lost.  I have the family cinefilms dating back to 1967 so have sent them off to be converted to digital format so that I can share with my brothers once more.... it will be interesting to see what comes back as I cannot really remember a lot of them at all! 
I have spent weeks scanning and converting all my Dad's old transparency slides to digital myself and have just finished getting them all into folders designating the year/holiday/event and then describing each one naming the people in it.... at least I have learned one lesson from scrapbooking for years and that is give the facts or the photos just end up being of a load of people the next generation has no clue about.  I'm hoping that my painstaking work over the last month will mean they are relevant for a few more generations yet.... I can hope eh? LOL
Now I need to sort all the digital photos I have on my PC.... which is a lot... no really, its going to take some time to sort them all out into years, country, assignment etc.... I will be back.... 


  1. Oh Annette, this is wonderful. I'm SO glad you did that, because I have always sorted my photos the same way, adding names, etc. when it was relevant. Although I have no one to pass mine on to, and I wonder if they are even any good, since they have been stored in my wet basement for years, I still took the time to document everything.

    I can assure you, people will be eternally grateful for you doing this, especially since we no longer take photos with dates on them. At least, I don't put dates on my photos I take.

    This was a monumental job, and I'm so, so impressed.

    BTW, how is Chris? Everything OK with his tests?

  2. Gosh you have set yourself a task Annette but at least you will have everything organised & sorted.
    Toni xx

  3. glad to see you back blogging, began to think something had happened to you. x


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