Wednesday, 3 June 2015


Good Morning!  It actually looks like it might be a lovely sunny day here in Bonnie Scotland, which would be great, because we haven't really started the spring and summer very well!  This is my desk on this bright June morning, you can see the ATC's I have received for the 6th Anniversary WOYWW Swap, with the lovely cards/folders and envelopes that they arrived in at the back.  

Jan's lovely hare, Jo's dumfling, Annie's embroidered, MaryAnne's popping up box and Neet's cute little piffy... they are so lovely and I am enjoying having them on the desk to sit and look at but think it is time to make a book to hold all the WOYWW swap ATC's for the last couple of years... that should keep me out of mischief for a while eh?
Looking forward to seeing all the desks this morning and this evening is a walk at Haddo House and meal afterwards with the ladies group I have joined.
Leave your number and I will be checking out the linky list at our Julia's to come by for a visit!


  1. You've got some really nice snail mail there. I bet it was exciting picking them up from the letterbox
    Lynn 17

  2. fingers crossed for good weather we are hoping that the sun stays here too :)
    Happy WOYWW
    Charlie #1
    or find me here

  3. I'm really loving seeing all the ATCs on the desks this week. So much love from blogging buddies eh?
    Have a great week.
    Annie x # 16

  4. Everyone showing their happy mail with the atc's they have received . Happy woyww Jill #7

  5. Beautiful desk and atcs.
    Sounds like your weather has been the same as ours down here on the South Coast.
    Wish the sun would come back :) #31

  6. they are great ones you have have received, hope your walk is rain and wind free for you

    Thanks for the snoop
    Jac x
    N0 24

  7. Hi, the ATC's are all lovely, aren't they? Agree about the weather- scary when you think we are barely 3 weeks from
    Midsummers Day. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #9 xx

  8. We actually are supposed to have nice weather today, which will be a blessing. Saw at the end of May we had nearly 12 inches of rain, which set the second highest record ever for any May. Like you, this year isn't starting too good.

    Glad you are starting to get some ATCs. Yours is FINALLY winging its way to you, after I felt so guilty about not getting it out sooner. I sent it when I sent Patsy's (my PIF), the day after the WOYWW party.

    I bet you're going to use your BIA to make your ATC holder. Guess I'll go the BORING, easy route and place mine in baseball card folders/holders. Look forward to seeing yours, though, because I know it will be stunning, stunning, stunning.

    Happy WOYWW from # 5.

  9. Maybe I should come to visit. We have had limited sunshine. In fact a storm is only a mile away so soon I'll have to shut down my computer to prevent damage.Hoping for no winds. Thanks for sharing the great ATC's The variety created this year is so fun. #39 Have a lovely week.

  10. lovely cards . Do enjoy your meal tonight and hopefully the weather will still be good.
    Soojay 52#

  11. Isn't it nice to make friends and do things like swapping atc's now and then - all courtesy of the internet. We have a lot to thank Julia for for bringing us together in this way.
    Hugs, Neet xx 11

  12. It's certainly been a slow start to "summer" Love your haul of atcs. Helen 3

  13. It's been great getting such happy post this week hasn't it. Enjoy your meal.
    Hugs Lisax #20

  14. Lovely ATCs.
    Today has been quite lovely compared to the wet & wind that we had yesterday. Hope the weather has finally made a turn for the better.
    Toni xx

  15. happy WOYWW to you. Very pretty ATCs there.
    Looking forward to seeing your book. I have made a few these past years but looking for a new idea.
    xx 61

  16. I've really enjoyed receiving my ATCs too! Such warmth and friendliness from everyone :-)
    You have had unseasonably tough weather....far worse than us. It's got to cheer up sometime....?!
    Hugs, LLJ 8 xxx

  17. Its great to see our bit of crafty activity spreading around the globe!! The sun is shining here today - summer at last. x Jo

  18. LOVE those beautiful ATCs...maybe I need to join in next year!

  19. So many great ARC's! I am so bummed that I missed the festivities.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #60

  20. Thank you so much for your vote for the sewing bee. Just want you to know that I won!! Thrilled to bits! I really didn't think I stood a chance as I don't do social media so never expected many votes. I'll blog it soon,
    Jo x


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