Wednesday 21 April 2010

WOYWW or What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday...

OK... now I should start to get worried... these Wednesdays seem to arrive faster and faster, almost as if there are a few missing days inbetween!!  As I will be leaving here and returning home to Scotland in a few weeks perhaps I should be actually making a plan on how all the (s)crap stuff I have purchased in Big World is supposed to get into the same space that came out here!! LOL  Hmmm, methinks I have failed at that before I start!!  Chris did kindly bring me some archive boxes home from the office so that I could make initial attempts at getting the room sorted... 4 of them.  LOL  the man obviously has no idea how much stuff is actually in all the cupboards and drawers!! 

Of course... the cats think the boxes have been introduced purely for their amusement....

Here is Tom-Tom hiding in the flower bed... he seemed quite put out that I could actually spot him... as though this bright orange and white cat was camouflaged amongst the green and pink flowers!!

Just to keep things fair... Pandora lounging on the back of the sofa with the aircon on...

I suppose I should actually show you my desk this morning... nothing terribly interesting on it... I am busy cutting out chipboard to make some tag books for our English Afternoon Tea event...  you see we are quite a diverse group of ladies so we thought we would have cooking demonstrations to show foods from the different countries... we had fabulous food from the Latin American group and an absolutely wonderful braai from the South African group... and now its the turn of the English contingence to come up with the goods... but we couldn't really see anyone wanting a fish and chip cookery demo so we have offered an English Afternoon Tea experience instead!!  Little 3 tier cake stands with cucumber finger sandwiches and scones with jam and Devonshire cream with little cakes on the top tier.... and we will be dressed in aprons and little waitress hats.... it should be a good laugh!! ;)
Don't forget to pop along to Julia and check out everyone else's desk this Wednesday... the list is now humungous and its such fun to pop in and nosey about in peoples' scrap areas!
On a completely different subject.... every time I go out of my front door I look at the ledge of my porch where I put some sand roses and petrified wood and there is one that looks like a little old fisherman in a yellow South Wester hat....

Can you see him?  Please tell me its not just me!! 

The other sand roses look like sand roses...

Fascinating in their own way but its the little Fisherman that is my favourite!!

and I had to pop into Big World on Monday.... and I found another shoe/boot!!  I like this one even better... Chris says 'please stop buying stuff.... how are we supposed to get it all home'?  But its just a little glass shoe...


  1. Loving the sand people and yes I see him definitely particularly when you pointed out the western hat! Your work station looks very neat and tidy loving that fact in itself. The English Cream Tea sounds fantastic and I'm so loving those glass shoes!!!!!! How could you not buy them! I don't envy your task of trying to pack your crafting items into four boxes - bless!

    Hope you're having a fabulous Wednesday!

  2. Yes I can see the fisherman too :-) Lovely cats.
    A x

  3. it is only a little glass shoe! you will always find room to squeeze in more shopping goodies, men just dont get it! love your putty cat pictures, all my cats here do the same when you leave and open box on the floor!


  4. Your cats look very relaxed. the tea cup your making looks good.

  5. Ah bless that Chris. 4 boxes. The triumph of hope over experience I think!! Love the idea of the tea party..have investigated the card ..the images are stamps - happy to post them if you've got time! Lemme know!

  6. I can see him too! Good luck with the packing and I hope you get a few more boxes to help you out xx

  7. My cats are the same too - one of them would sit on a postage stamp if you put it on the floor!!!

    I'm sorry but I can't see the fisherman but love the sand roses - how unusual.

    Really don't envy you the packing - but wish you luck with it.

    English afternoon tea - would like to hear what they make of it.

    Paula x x x

  8. Hiya

    fabulous piccys, your kittys are super adorable and I love how tidy your desk is, as for the sandpeople eeek I am someone who totally misses it! lol, love those shoes!


  9. It is just you ... it looks nowt like a fisherman and as for TomTom ... I could n't see him ... I thought he was really well camouflaged :0)

  10. What a grand idea! I would love an afternoon tea! I don't relish your having to pack . . .it is so hard to move our stashes of crafty goodness. Love your shoe! Sometimes they don't understand! *smile*

  11. Lots of lovely snoopables today!
    I enjoyed my visit, love those felines. I hope your sorting/packing progresses well! I don't envy you!

  12. Well you have shown a few interesting things - I like the fisherman very much! The cats are so cute! Yep girl you better start thinking how the moving will be going! Funny shoes! Are those peas in there?????

  13. those puddys are gorgeous :) love the idea of a tea party mini book :) i'm planning a strawberry tea party for my monthly crop to raise money for breast awareness, so this sounds a fab idea xx

  14. Sand roses - never seen them before and they are beautiful!!

    Your kitties look so cute as well!

    Leanne xx

  15. Oh yes! Marie Curie are doing exactly that kind of tea party at the moment! Poor you having to pack up all your stash - and won't you be COLD in Scotland after all that warmth????

  16. Your tea party idea sounds good fun. Love your shoes and pictures of the sand rocks, but will four boxes be enough? ikki

  17. Yes it's just a little glass shoe :) Hmm does he realise now just how many boxes you're going to need? Love the pics of the cats :) I can't see a fisherman exactly but can see a face.
    Anne x

  18. I LOVE your cats. I only wish Bleubeard would pose. He is so camera shy. And, yes, cats LOVE boxes. They think they are their new homes. As for four boxes, you are right. That wouldn't make a dent in my craft supplies and I don't buy nearly as many as you (especially after seeing last week's post).

    Your tea tag book will be gorgeous. You already have a great start. And sorry, but I don't see the old man in the rock, but I am from a landlocked state in the US, so what can I say?

    Have a fun and sorting good WOYWW.

  19. yepp, I can totally see him =)

  20. Yep! I see him too. When are your other 50 boxes arriving to pack your stash!
    Love the frames and the baking looks delish.

  21. I love the English Tea idea! I am sure you will have fun! (I must start looking for cake stands in charity shops) Love them.

    Love the shoes with all the beans rice lentles what ever!

    Loving the altered frames so lush!

    I can see the old fella too!

    Love Dawn xx

  22. Yes I can see him ...easily.
    What a brilliant idea to do the Afternoon tea British.

  23. I can't believe your time there is almost up!!!! where has that year gone? I can see the man in the rock :) it's not just you. and although i will miss the pups Bella is staying with us as she is mine all mine :) so maybe i'll not have too many lay ins :)

  24. Ooh, looks like Cinderella has got herself some new glass slippers! Four boxes indeed! That made me laugh. Love the sand roses too, never heard of them before but they look really interesting.


  25. Like the teapot and love the idea of the afternoon tea - what fun. I laughed at you wanting to buy "just one little more thing" and your OH saying how will we get it all back, it must be so tempting.

  26. Lovely work desk. Yes I can see the Fisherman too!!! Super kitty pictures, so cute!!!


  27. I see him....I had never even heard of sand roses before now!

  28. What beautiful kitties :-)

    I hope you enjoy your English Afternoon Tea experience!

  29. Oh Annette, however are you going to manage - I did wonder where you were going to put all that stash you bought the other week. Tell your darling Chris he needed to add a zero to the number of boxes - 40 might give you more of a fighting chance LOL

    Toni :o)

  30. I don't think I've ever seen bottle shoes! Love your teapot, I can see great things appearing from that very soon!
    (It's in the tea leaves!)

  31. Such adorable kitties .... I love afternoon tea, can't wait to see your album finished.


  32. i see your fisherman,would love to come to your afternoon tea, it sounds fabulous! hugs Debx

  33. Did make me laugh about the boxes - they have no idea do they!!! Gorgeous kitty cat!! Juliexx

  34. Yep, I can definitely see your little fisherman, and your kitty cat pics are really cute.

    Nicki, xx

  35. I too see the fisherman..and arn't those kitties cute.
    good luck with the packing up

  36. Good luck with the packing hun. Love seeing the cats too :) Hope you'll show us the finishe afternoon tea xx

  37. Your cats are so cute I just love cats alma love the sand people

  38. Oh - packing things up is never fun! I don't know if any man "should" know how many treasures are in our stash! lol!

  39. oooh I've enjoyed visiting your blog! Your cats are beautiful, the sand roses are amazing and I'm loving the sound of the afternoon tea event!


  40. I can see the little old fisherman, almost, kinda :)

  41. i love those glass shoes - so pretty. and your tag class sounds interesting. are you excited to get home?? xx

  42. Good luck with all the packing. Your comment about it being just one shoe cracked me up, because now it's two shoes!!! Your frames came out gorgeous also.

  43. Afternoon tea sounds delightful, very lovely

  44. Annette, I'm so pleased to have discovered your blog after joining the blogathon thread on UKS. I followed your thread about the kitties and it's lovely to see pics of them here. I am going to add you to my blog list so I can keep up to date....and yes - I can see the old fisherman:D


Thank you for taking the time to leave your comment, it is truly appreciated - sort of confirms that it is more than my Mum and husband that read this thing! :)