Wednesday, 23 April 2014


Here is my newly relocated desk and lo and behold she even has stuff made on it! I know, amazing eh? LOL
I have to say it is nice to be back in my scrap room and bale to sit and play, enough of all those boxes and packing and unpacking, it's no fun at all!
So, it is a little concertina envelope tag book thingy... I am sure there is a better name for it, but you get the idea?
With all the tags with mounts for pictures and on the back a little pocket with another smaller tag for journaling or other pictures.
After I made the one with little envelopes I thought I would have a go with making the pockets from cardstock, it makes it a chunkier version and I actually prefer this way.
Concertina pockets with the tags
and mounts for pics and on the back little pockets again for journaling and bits.
Its lovely to be back at WOYWW, so please leave me your number and I will be over to visit lickety split to see what I have been missing for the past few months.
I am putting this out early as I have to go to the dentist... but I will be back later to visit!


  1. I hope the dentist is a good visit, not a bad one. It's really great to see all the wonderful things you have started making again. What a lovely little book. I can see them holding ATCs, too.

    No number yet for me, because Julia's not awake yet (grin).

  2. Your pocket booklets are adorable glad your enjoying your spot again I can understand moving and moving your stash around no fun but it sometimes has to be done :) Hugs Nikki #?? yet

  3. although i don't participate in WOYWW, i do enjoy visiting to see what you are doing. love these 'pocket-books' - they are sweet.

    ps: i bet it must feel great to have your 'creative' space again.

  4. wonderful tag book thingy!! So nice to see you playing along at WOYWW after all your packing and unpacking! Hope the dentist isn't too painful. Helen 5

  5. Just LOVE the tag books - beautiful :)
    Happy WOYWW!
    no. 2

  6. Glad to see you're back in the zone - the booklets are gorgeous. Hope the dreaded D visit goes well. Have a great week, Chris # 19

  7. Gorgeous pocket books and I love all the detail you always add to the finished project. Have a lovely week and enjoy the long weekend.
    Sandra @20

  8. Oh those are gorgeous Annette lovely seeing you creating again!

  9. Oh those are gorgeous Annette lovely seeing you creating again!

  10. How lovely that you are back and with such a gorgeous make. Just love them both. Have a great week. Anne x # 37

  11. Vert pretty - you do colour-combos just THE BEST. Nice to see you back in WOYWW land - funny, in my massive tidy up I found a little tine you sent me as a gift. Can't imagine where it had hidden for like 2 years LOL! But I've already put it "someplace safe" and forgotten where that might be. :) It may take me another 2 years to actually do something with it LOL!

    Happy WOYWW!

    Mary Anne (1)

  12. Lovely to have you back on-line with some makes. Your pocket books are fabulous.

    Let's hope you don't have to deal with any more packing for a while so that you can just enjoy your crafting space.

    Hope the visit to the dentist went well.

    Toni xx

  13. Gorgeous makes Annette.....looks like you're well settled in to your new space :-)
    Annie x # 38
    ps hope the dentist went well

  14. Hope the dentist visit wasn't painful. What a cute little book you have made I love it. Hows the weather up there in Brisbane? we are starting to get the cold coming in here in Melbourne. Thanks for sharing your little book.

    Happy WOYWW
    Eliza & Yoda 28

  15. Love your little concertina books. Happy WOYWW!

  16. Such lovely little tag book thingies - it's great that you are so sorted and ready to craft again! x Jo

  17. Oh I dread the dentists.
    Lovely little envelope books you have made - yes, I think there is a name for them but it eludes me too.
    Had to smile at "lickety split" - I had never heard the expression until I went to stay with y friend in America. She calls her daughter's two pooches 'lickety' and 'split'.
    Have a good week and glad you are back - and papercrafting.
    Hugs, Neet 27 xx

  18. G'day Annette
    and happy WOYWW. Thanks for dropping by my blog already and glad the cyclone didn't affect Brisvegas :). Annette the little tag books are gorgeous...I really like the pink one and I am not a "pink" gal at all LOL.
    Annette In Oz #8

  19. The little books are just gorgeous! Have a good week,
    RosA # 36

  20. Love your little concertina tag books. #61

  21. Ooooo love the little book!
    Have a great week!

  22. Love the little books they would make great grandma bragging books, trouble is I used phone all the time now but this would bench prettier to show off with
    Janet @24

  23. Love your fun projects. Glad to see your back creating. Happy WOYWW *75 Have a fun week

  24. Great tag books, seems to be in the air. I spent all day making a book, much larger, but just as fun. So many different ways are shown on You Tube, and I always want to try them all....LOL

    Hope the trip to the dentist wasn't all bad.
    Krisha #74

  25. Loving your envelope pocket books.
    Gorgeous colour scheme too.
    They would make lovely gifts.
    Happy crafting, Angeal x 48

  26. I hope the visit to the dentist went well ... hate going myself and consider it a necessary evil! Love your envelope albums - they are both beautiful. It's nice to see you have a desk again. Have a great week. Elizabeth x #39

  27. Happy WOYWW Sorry to peek in and dash... .Cute, cute books, makes me wanna make some!!
    hugs, Kimmer #96

  28. Hi Annette....glad you're back with your desk all set up how you want starting from fresh. Do love those little album thingies..what a super idea. Cheers and have a great week Robyn#18

  29. Well done, unpacked, finally settling I hope! And there is a word for the tag book thingys...GENIUS! Wouldnt they make a great little storage album for ATCs on a theme or a certain Anniversary....hmmmmmmmmmm. I don't associate these colours with you too often either, oh woman, you are so versatile!
    And by the way - I'm a bit worried that you may not have enough glue sticks.

  30. It's really funny, I was thinking about you the other day as I had noticed you hadn't been on for ages and here you are. It's great to see you back. I love those clever little pockety holdy taggy things you made. They are really pretty and useful too.
    Have a great week,
    Von #13

  31. Hey there, it's good to see you back! I love those tag books you've made especially the one with the bling on the front....I LOVE sparkles. There's no such thing as too much bling :-)
    I hadn't realised you'd moved again! Where are you now?? Lol
    Hugs, LLJ xxxx


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