Looking back on 2008 I think we had a pretty eventful year with lots more ups than downs.
January and February Mum was staying with me, while Chris went off to Saudi Arabia for a business trip of 3 months.
March 4th was Christopher’s 21st birthday.
April – we had the front garden landscaped and a wall built, making the gardens front and back as maintenance free as possible so that when we are away for long periods it doesn’t get out of hand.
July – Christopher passed his final exams for his BSc in Policing gaining a 2.1 honours degree and making me very proud of his hard work.
Chris and I celebrated 9 years of marriage.
August – I had Chris’ study re-done by removing the wardrobes and having book shelves built in and lighting as an anniversary present.
September 1st – We paid off our mortgage!! What a nice feeling that is, debt free at last...
September 11th – Christopher Graduated from University and Mum flew from France, Chris flew in from Saudi and we all went down South to watch the ceremony.
September 21st – Chris and I flew out to Jubail in Saudi Arabia for a 1 year assignment.
November – Christopher passed his driving test and bought his first car.
December – Chris and I took a trip to Bahrain and celebrated Christmas in Jubail.
January and February Mum was staying with me, while Chris went off to Saudi Arabia for a business trip of 3 months.
March 4th was Christopher’s 21st birthday.
April – we had the front garden landscaped and a wall built, making the gardens front and back as maintenance free as possible so that when we are away for long periods it doesn’t get out of hand.
July – Christopher passed his final exams for his BSc in Policing gaining a 2.1 honours degree and making me very proud of his hard work.
Chris and I celebrated 9 years of marriage.
August – I had Chris’ study re-done by removing the wardrobes and having book shelves built in and lighting as an anniversary present.
September 1st – We paid off our mortgage!! What a nice feeling that is, debt free at last...
September 11th – Christopher Graduated from University and Mum flew from France, Chris flew in from Saudi and we all went down South to watch the ceremony.
September 21st – Chris and I flew out to Jubail in Saudi Arabia for a 1 year assignment.
November – Christopher passed his driving test and bought his first car.
December – Chris and I took a trip to Bahrain and celebrated Christmas in Jubail.