Friday, 5 December 2008

JYC December 5th

Today's prompt was advent calendars with the request to incorporate numbers onto your page to represent the countdown to the BIG DAY!! It took me a while to figure out words that would add up to 25 so that I could hide the numbers behind the letters. Santa Claus is coming to town! also has 25 if you count the exclamation mark... LOL - how sad am I???
I am not sure I have finished with today, I may add some journalling and a photo to a tag to go with this... but the book is not looking any thinner... so maybe I should just leave this as a thin page!! ;)


  1. Oooh that is fab, love all the twisty bits. :oD And well done with coming up with a 25 letter sentence! LOL Nothing like a cryptic puzzle on a Friday morning. hehe

  2. Oh wow just love it its stunning. So very clever with the numbers under the letters.

  3. Fab idea for today's prompt... You on the ball !!! I am enjoying this so much too...

  4. Wow gorgeous!
    We have had loads of snow this week, am jelaous of the sun you are getting lol

  5. Ooooh! you clever, clever girl!
    This is just gorgeous & I love the combination of blue & red, it's always a winner.
    I can just picture you sitting adding up the letters, did you count on your fingers? I bet you did, LOL!!

  6. Fabulous!!! Again - this is wonderful. You have a real knack for this Annette.
    I am going to have to think about mine now!

    An Altered Life

  7. Oh my, that is such a clever idea.

    Toni :o)


Thank you for taking the time to leave your comment, it is truly appreciated - sort of confirms that it is more than my Mum and husband that read this thing! :)